The End Of The Ready To Wear Fast

A couple of weeks ago I ended my Ready To Wear fast. I gave in to the constant badgering from Johnnie Boden and bought myself a couple of Breton stripe long sleeve tee shirts.

Breton stipe tees from Boden

Breton stipe tees from Boden

I started the fast the beginning of January 2014 and signed up the ‘Goodbye Valentino’ RTW 2014 fast and then signed up again for 2015.

** I will come clean, in 2014 I bought a pair of waterproof cycling over trousers from Aldi and this year I bought a lightweight waterproof jacket from Berghaus – again to use whilst cycling ** I was never going to make either of those two items so I cut myself a bit of slack there.

I don’t really miss shopping, since having children I very rarely get the chance to go out on my own to look around the stores and I don’t have the disposable income I used to have before having children.

I think it was the change of season that got me. It was mid September and I wasn’t quite ready for wearing tights, so that ruled out dresses and skirts, my trouser offering is beginning to look a bit ropey and decent tops were in the washing basket. I got dressed for work one day and looked at myself and thought what an uninspiring mess. Then a Boden catalogue dropped through the door with a code for 20% off and free delivery. I’m forever thinking about striped tops and looking on-line for decent cotton yarn dyed striped jersey. Then I thought “why don’t I just buy some?” So I did, and lovely they are too, a nice relaxed fit and great for layering.

I don’t have time to make everything I’d like and I think I’ve ended up keeping things in my wardrobe that have seen better days.

Now it’s October the tights have come out and skirts are being worn again, I’ve also got a few items in the pipeline, I’m working on a denim skirt and have cut out a pussy bow blouse using the Sew Over It pattern. I’m also ready to tackle another pair of jeans and bought a length of denim from Abakhan last week.

I really got excited when I saw the new pattern releases from Sewaholic. I keep thinking about the Cypress Cape, I’ve wanted a cycling cape for ages and this looks like the perfect pattern. I’m a bit apprehensive after the poor effort I made with the Robson Trench coat (I can’t bear to look at the bag with the unfinished pieces in) but I really like this style.

Cypress Cape from Sewaholic Patterns

Cypress Cape from Sewaholic Patterns

As my trouser selection is looking a bit poor I’m going to get around to making Simplicity 1696 Amazing Fit trousers. ( I said this last year but now I know how to sew a fly zipper I can see it actually happening).

1696 Simplicity Amazing Fit Trousers

1696 Simplicity Amazing Fit Trousers

I may have ended the fast but I don’t think I’ll be going crazy in Primark any time soon!